Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Longboard Deck Design

I started off my project by choosing the three sketches I thought were the best and producing them in Illustrator (AI).  From the three that I did in AI, I chose the one that I liked the most and did multiple versions using the same idea.  I started to change it up and include ideas from the original three into the new versions.

2. Then I started using the girl as the main focal point of the board.  I used the same checker idea in my first version but got rid of it because it didn't fit in with the design that I was trying to produce.  I wanted to use simple colors and the same colors and I didn't want the design to be too complicated or have too many things all over the place.

3. The one on the left is my final product, I'm content with it because the colors are very simple and I like that its dark.  It incorporates alot of the ideas of the original sketches, but also expands into different ideas I researched on longboard deck designs.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Finishing Project #1

So, for my longboard deck design I pretty much had two sketched designs that I really liked. I played around with them on Adobe Illustrator and I have my final product that I'm happy with. I've been looking for deck design competitions .

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


These are the sketches that I liked the most.  They are simple but I think any one of them would look great in the final product.


I've already started working on my Longboard design on Adobe Illustrator.  It took me a while to figure out how to make the shape of longboard but I finally figured it out.  I did one of the designs that I had sketched but I didn't really like how it looked and it seemed too plain compared to all the designs I had looked up online.  I'm going to start doing one of my other design sketches on Illustrator.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Starting the Project

So far, I've sketched different types of designs that could be put onto the backs of 9.5 x 41 Longboards.  Today I'm thinking adding color to them and possibly starting to work on the computer.

Monday, September 27, 2010


For my first project I'm interested in making designs for skateboard decks.  I'm looking into the different styles.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Graphics 2

    Some projects I'm interested in doing this year are : 
  • License Plates
    • Redesign license plate backgrounds
    • Customize state license plates

  • Cereal Boxes
  • Skateboard Decks
    • Design skateboard decks using Morristown High School Logo