Wednesday, October 13, 2010


These are the sketches that I liked the most.  They are simple but I think any one of them would look great in the final product.


I've already started working on my Longboard design on Adobe Illustrator.  It took me a while to figure out how to make the shape of longboard but I finally figured it out.  I did one of the designs that I had sketched but I didn't really like how it looked and it seemed too plain compared to all the designs I had looked up online.  I'm going to start doing one of my other design sketches on Illustrator.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Starting the Project

So far, I've sketched different types of designs that could be put onto the backs of 9.5 x 41 Longboards.  Today I'm thinking adding color to them and possibly starting to work on the computer.